The menu at Boutique de L'Auberge

Posted on: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Plats à emporter
112 route de Trévoux - Corgenon
These are our takeaways for the week:

Bresse chicken with cream and morel mushrooms            €19

Lasagne made with beef (France) and tomato    €8.50

Roasted cod fillet, aubergine caviar and a tomato and basil coulis          €11

Brochette of prawns and chorizo (France), linguine with courgettes and a shellfish sauce            €11

Pulled, slow-braised French beef, served with carrots in a jus    €10.50

Knuckle of French pork confit with thyme and rosemary and served with new potatoes   €10

Gratin dauphinois       €5

Corn wafers        €3.50

Potato Parmentier pancakes     €3.50

Focaccia with cumin seeds, shredded pork ribs (France) and a BBQ     sauce €4.80

Focaccia with cumin seeds, breaded haddock and a tartar sauce         €4.80

Piedmont salad with ham (France), for 2    people €8

Country terrine (France), approx 300g            €9

Croquilles of 12 Burgundy snails in parsley butter      €13

Fresh and smoked salmon rillettes (100g)     €4.50

Black olive tapenade with fresh herbs (100g)    €4.50

Emmental and white ham (France) croissant    €2.50

Gaspacho (tomato, cucumber, pepper) and a choice of savoury madeleines      €3

Almond Financier cake          €2

Paris-Bourg-en-Bresse cake, 2 for        €7

Chocolate and praline cream dessert, 2  for €7

Pistachio and raspberry tiramisu for 2 people €7

Apple and apricot crumble     €2.80

Lemon cake 300g   €5


Corn butter from Etrez 80g  €1.50

Plum jam   €6

Strawberry and rhubarb jam   €6


440g farmhouse bread        €4.50

Plain puff pastry bread    €2.50

Black olive puff pastry bread     €2.80

Two salted madeleines         €1.80
